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CREDIT application

Fill this out and we will get you set-up!

Company Information

Banking Information

Business/Trade References

Signature & Acceptance

The Customer agrees that the Terms granted by the Service Provider are that all term accounts are due and payable in full within THIRTY (30) DAYS OR OuickPay Program from the date of invoice and all non-term accounts are due and payable in full UPON RECEIPT unless agreed to in writing by the Service Provider.

Payment is not to be withheld or deducted for claims or any other reason without prior written consent from the Service Provider (Please contact [email protected] for claims and related inquiries). Any discrepancies in charges on the invoice must be reported upon receipt of invoice. All invoice discrepancies not reported in writing within fifteen (15) days of receipt are deemed correct and accepted by the Customer to be payable in full.

Accounts in overdue or delinquent status may be placed on hold and interest of 2.5 percent per month compounded monthly may be charged on the unpaid balance. Delinquent accounts are subject to cancellation without notice with subsequent third-party action. If the Customer fails to pay the Service Provider all amounts which become due, the Service Provider will refer such matter to an attorney or collection agency. The Customer agrees to pay, in addition to the amounts due plus any interest charges, any costs incurred by the Service Provider as a result of third-party action, including reasonable legal and collection fees.

The Customer gives full consent to the Service Provider to obtain required credit reports or other information deemed necessary in connection with establishing and/or maintaining a line of credit and to the disclosure of such information concerning the Customer to any credit reporting agency or to any person with the undersigned who has or purports to have financial relations.

All shipments governed by this agreement shall be subject to a release value of $2.00 CDN per pound, with a maximum value of $90,000 CON per vehicle used. If the value of any shipment tendered 'to Briere Transportation is to exceed $90,000; shipper must notify Briere Transportation, separately from the bill of lading and prior to shipment release. Failure by the shipper to meet these requirements shall limit Briere Transportation's liability or any single shipment to $2.00 Cdn per pound with maximum liability of $90,000 Cdn.

I/We, the Customer, hereby agree to the Terms and certify that the information provided in this application is correct and complete.

Shippers Trust BRIERE Transportation

- Jenny / Vancouver, BC

We are thankful to have met your wonderful team !

- Jenny / Vancouver, BC

We are thankful to have met your wonderful team !

- Jenny / Vancouver, BC

We are thankful to have met your wonderful team !
Equipment Storage Quote Request
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Shipment Information. Please list all dims and weights if they differ.